The Problem

After working within large IT Infrastructure departments throughout the last 20 years, our founder saw a common problem - Technical Debt.

Problems were continually pushed to "next year" because companies did not have the budget, the infrastructure required, and/or the time, to fix the problems.

The solution became building customized automated solutions.

2008 - LAE Software Founded

In 2008, our founder decided to bring his customized solutions mainstream. Upon creation, he gave careful consideration to the company name and mission.

As supported by Microsoft certification test questions, the correct solution is the one done with the Least Administrative Effort (LAE). Consequently, LAE Software was chosen as our name because making administrators' jobs easier is our mission.

Custom Solutions

Initially, LAE Software focused on building automated solutions to a variety of problems that customers brought to us.

What started as a customized solution to a large healthcare company's PST problem became PST Migrator.

2016 - PST Migrator v1.0

Microsoft Outlook PSTs, the epitome of technical debt, continue to be a problem across multiple industries.

PST Migrator eliminates the cost and time that often make PST migrations a "next year" event.